Sunday, May 30, 2010

Boyfriend's birthday!

So, a few days ago was my honey's 23rd birthday and we had a blast! He got his first ever car and he was thrilled! All day long i kept my friends on facebook and twitter updated on his bday present because they were quite a few!!! For starters, like i said, he got a car! Not new (it's his first car after all lol) but he loves it and i'm thrilled he finally has his own car! He also got an IPOD Touch and other stuff along the way but he's favorite was probably this car!

After all the gifts and what not, we headed over to dinner at Gauchos' Village, which was AMAZINGLY good! It's a Brazilian restaurant where they have like a buffet style thing going on and waiters come to your table with a different sort of meat every time, it was soo good and on top of that, they have the amazing Brazilian girls dancing Samaba! It was amazing!

My honey!

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